Practice Areas

Criminal Defense

DUIs- If you have been charged with Driving Under the Influence in Tennessee, Attorney Matt Courteau will assist you with minimizing possible consequences.

Theft crimes- Theft crimes are categorized into either misdemeanors or felonies, depending on the severity of the crime and the monetary value of the property involved. Attorney Matt Courteau can guide you in the criminal proceedings to minimize penalties.

Drug crimes- If you have been charged with a crime involving drugs, you can count on this firm to represent you and stay by your side throughout the entire legal process.

Violent crimes- A violent crime is one in which the convicted has physically harmed or intended to harm someone else or their property.

White-collar crimes- White-collar crimes tend to be financial in nature, while also being non-violent.

Juvenile charges- Attorney Matt Courteau is adept with juvenile law and will help your family navigate the juvenile court system.

Domestic violence- Domestic violence plays out in various ways, including physical, emotional, sexual, and verbal abuse. If you have been accused of domestic violence, contact Matt Courteau Attorney at Law at your earliest convenience.

Estate Planning

Estate Planning- An Estate Planning Lawyer can help you create a solid plan stating your desire for how you would like your estate distributed once you pass away. Your estate plan might also express preferences for medical care should you become incapacitated. It is never too early to create an estate plan because it can be updated throughout your life as circumstances change.

Wills- A will is a legal document that details how a person would like their property handled after they die.

Power of attorney- A durable power of attorney is a document that grants another person the ability to make medical decisions and end-of-life decisions for you, should you become incapacitated.

Simple Probate Matters- The probate process can be complex and stressful. If you are looking for help to probate a will in Eastern Tennessee, Attorney Matt Courteau is the natural choice to make.

Personal Injury Law

Slip and falls- A slip and fall might happen on public or private property. If you are injured after falling due to someone else’s negligence, you could be owed compensation.

Premises liability- If you have been injured due to an unsafe or defective condition of someone’s property, you might have a personal injury claim.

Wrongful death- Your family might be owed compensation for emotional distress if you have lost a loved one due to someone else’s negligence.

Dog bites- Being the victim of a dog bite accident is painful and traumatic. Obtain the compensation you deserve by retaining Attorney Matt Courteau to manage your case.

Vehicle accidents- You might be able to file a claim for damages if you have been injured in any way in a vehicle accident that was not your fault.

Family Law

Contested divorces- If you and your spouse have decided to divorce but cannot agree on matters regarding the divorce, then Attorney Matt Courteau can represent you in your contested divorce case.

Agreed divorces- An agreed (or uncontested) divorce is a divorce in which both parties agree to all terms of the divorce amicably. While these divorces typically go much smoother than contested divorces, working with an attorney will ensure that all aspects of your case are carefully considered.

Alimony- Spousal support, or alimony, is the monetary support that one former spouse pays to the other former spouse that will allow that person to retain a similar lifestyle while transitioning to living on their own.

Child custody- Matt Courteau Attorney at Law can assist you and your former spouse with creating an agreeable plan for where the children will live and with whom. This includes visitation frequency and where the children will spend holidays. Additionally, this firm can assist with restricting these plans as needed.

Child support- Child support is monetary support paid by one parent (usually to the primary custodial parent) to support the child’s basic needs, such as clothing, medical appointments, and school fees.

Adoption- Adoption proceedings can be an exciting time for anyone, but at the end of the day, it is still a complicated legal process. Working with Adoption Lawyer Matt Courteau will give you the opportunity to focus on the aspects of adoption that matter most to you.

Orders of protection- If you have been a victim of abuse, this firm can assist you in obtaining an order of protection from your abuser. This shields the victim from additional abuse from the perpetrator.

Dependency and neglect cases- This is a hearing that is held to protect children from abusive and/or neglectful parents or other caregivers. Non-parents might be able to gain custody when it is best for the child in question.

Termination of parental rights- If you are facing possible termination of your parental rights due to abandonment, Matt Courteau Attorney at Law will represent you.

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